The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) would like to extend our appreciation for your patience and understanding while we continue to complete the Reconstruction of the Monroe Street NE Bridge over the WMATA & CSX tracks. We are making great progress! Here are some of the improvements that have been completed thus far:
Reconstructed bridge (north side)
Widened sidewalks
Roadway repaved (north side)
New sidewalk installed on 8th Street (west side)
We have now started phase 2 of reconstruction and have shifted construction activity to the south side of the bridge. The next phase of improvements will require demolition work. Due to the bridge’s location over WMATA and CSX tracks, night work (12:00 AM - 5:00 AM) is unavoidable. Demolition work can be a little noisy. We realize this may cause some disturbance to the neighboring community and sincerely apologize for the noise levels. We are not able to perform this activity over the tracks during WMATA and CSX revenue hours. The project team will continue to work hard to minimize noise levels as much as possible and to complete the demolition phase as quickly as possible.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding as we all look forward to a safer Monroe Street NE Bridge.
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) would like to extend its appreciation for your patience and understanding, while we continue working on the Reconstruction of the Monroe Street Bridge over WMATA & CSX tracks. As part of this project, DDOT will demolish the existing three span Monroe Street Bridge, and will construct a new three span bridge, including the associated roadway improvement. This reconstruction project is necessary to eliminate the existing bridge conditions deficiencies and increase safety for vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians using the bridge.
As presented in the public meeting held on June 4, 2018, although there will not be a long-term full bridge closure in coordination with the 45-day WMATA shut-down, it may be necessary to have periodic short-term daytime and overnight bridge closures to complete specific construction activities.
Traffic advisories will be posted on the website and shared with the community when these closures occur. Detours will be provided and there will be flaggers at the bridge to direct vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians safely through the construction zone. DDOT encourages all to stay alert and obey flaggers and construction signage.
We realize that closures and the noise levels during demolition and reconstruction can cause some inconvenience to the neighboring community, and we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. The project team is working to complete this project as quickly and as safely as possible and we thank you for your patience and understanding, as we reconstruct a safer Monroe Street NE Bridge.