August 2017
Sunday, August 20 – Saturday, August 26, 2017: Project Photos
Sunday, August 20 – Saturday, August 26, 2017: Project Updates
(Work is scheduled for Saturday, August 26th)
Sunday August 20, 2017
- No construction activities.
Monday August 21, 2017
- Contractor Fort Myer Construction Company (FMCC) continued excavation for the east Pepco vault manhole, at the intersection of 9th Street NE and Monroe Street NE. Excavation was completed (+/- 17 feet) and 6” of #57 aggregate was placed at the bottom of the excavation. Ready for manhole installation.
- Contractor placed steel plates to cover the open trench and open for traffic.
Tuesday August 22, 2017
- Contractor FMCC continued excavation for the west Pepco vault manhole, at the intersection of 8th Street NE and Monroe Street NE. Contractor exposed the old sewer line found (+/- 20” clay pipe). DC Water emergency team confirmed both the water and sewer lines were abandoned. Excavation continued.
- Contractor placed steel plates to cover the open trench and open for traffic.
Wednesday August 23, 2017
- Contractor FMCC continued excavation for the west Pepco vault manhole, at the intersection of 8th Street NE and Monroe Street NE and placed 6” stone #57 to prepare for manhole placement.
- Contractor saw cut the bump out area at the southwest corner of the intersection of 9th Street NE and Monroe Street NE to allow sidewalk compliance with ADA (42” left between the wood pole and the cut edge). Contractor placed steel plates to cover the open trench and open for traffic.
Thursday August 24, 2017
- Contractor FMCC started trenching for fiberglass conduits at the east side of the bridge – Conduit will go from Pepco vault in 901 Monroe Street NE property to the newly placed manholes at the intersection of Monroe and 9th Street NE. Work in progress
Friday August 25, 2017
- Contractor FMCC continued trenching for fiberglass conduits at the east side of the bridge – Conduit will go from Pepco vault in 901 Monroe Street NE property to the newly placed manholes at the intersection of Monroe and 9th Street NE. Work in progress
Saturday August 26, 2017
- Contractor FMCC will install Pepco vault manholes at both intersection of Monroe Street NE and 8th Street NE, and Monroe Street NE and 9th Street NE.
- Work at the intersection of Monroe Street NE and 8th Street NE is scheduled from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM (to avoid interference with the farmer’s market activities).
- Work at the intersection of Monroe Street NE and 9th Street NE is scheduled from 8: 00 to 2PM /3PM.
Due to construction, there is no parking on Monroe Street from 7th – 8th Street NE for the period of 8/14/17 – 11/11/17. NO PARKING signs have been posted.
Signs directing motorist and bicyclist have been posted. Please stay alert and obey signage when traveling through this area.
Sunday, August 13 – Saturday, August 19, 2017: Project Photos
Sunday, August 13 – Saturday, August 19, 2017: Project Updates
(No work scheduled for Saturday, August 19th)
Sunday August 13, 2017
- No construction activities.
Monday August 14, 2017
- Contractor Fort Myer Construction Company (FMCC) started to set up the maintenance of traffic (MOT) devises for the pre-phase work. Traffic signs were posted.
Tuesday August 15, 2017
- FMCC continued MOT setting and mobilization for pre-phase work.
Wednesday August 16, 2017
- FMCC started the excavation for the Pepco Vault at the southeast corner of the bridge. Two traffic lanes were left open and the south side of the bridge was set for construction. A Flagger was posted at the east side of the bridge allowing traffic to move smoothly and help Metro buses to turn on Monroe Street. The stop location for eastbound vehicles was pushed back at approximately half way of the approach.
Thursday August 17, 2017
- FMCC did test pits (3) to locate utilities next to the proposed Pepco Vault Manhole at the west side of the bridge. After test pits, the contractor has found old rail tracks and ties underground running through the center of the proposed Vault location. As a result, the Vault manhole location has been moved back to the location proposed on the contract plans. Two traffic lanes were left open for traffic and a flagger was posted to direct traffic.
Friday August 18, 2017
- FMCC will continue excavation for Pepco Vault manhole at the west side of the bridge (near the intersection of 8th & Monroe).
Saturday August 19, 2017
- No construction activities.
Due to construction, there is no parking on Monroe Street from 7th – 8th Street NE for the period of 8/14/17 – 11/11/17. NO PARKING signs have been posted.
Signs directing motorist and bicyclist have been posted. Please stay alert and obey signage when traveling through this area.