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APRIL 2019

Sunday, April 28 – Saturday, May 4, 2019: Project Photos

Sunday, April 28 – Saturday, May 4, 2019: Project Updates
(There was no construction activity completed on Sunday, April 28th or Saturday, May 4th)

  • The contractor completed the following activities for this week: continued pier 2 cap form removal (phase 2); continued overhang brackets and wood form removal from the north side (phase 1); continued type 4 concrete repair at the west abutment (A); continued welding and coating the 12” gas main in the staging area between 7th & 8th Street; and started steel beam installation. There were activities performed this week that required the overnight closure (11:00pm - 5:00am) of all lanes of traffic on the bridge.


  • Due to construction, there is no parking on Monroe Street from 7th - 8th Street NE.

  • Signs directing motorist and bicyclist have been posted. Please stay alert and obey signage when traveling through this area.  

Sunday, April 21 – Saturday, April 27, 2019: Project Photos

Sunday, April 21 – Saturday, April 27, 2019: Project Updates
(There was no construction activity completed on Sunday, April 21st)

  • The contractor completed the following activities for this week: continued pier cap form removals (Phase 2); continued west abutment (A) backwall form removal (Phase 2); continued the removel of the overhang brackets and wood form on the north side (Phase 1); and continued type 4 concrete repair at the west abutment (A-Phase 2). In addition, the WGL contractor was on site welding the 12” gas main in the staging area between 7th & 8th Streets. There were no lane closures needed to complete activities for this weekly period and traffic was maintained with two open-lanes, eastbound and westbound.


  • Due to construction, there is no parking on Monroe Street from 7th - 8th Street NE.

  • Signs directing motorist and bicyclist have been posted. Please stay alert and obey signage when traveling through this area.  

Sunday, April 14 – Saturday, April 20, 2019: Project Photos

Sunday, April 14 – Saturday, April 20, 2019: Project Updates
(There was no construction activity completed on Sunday April 14th, Friday April 19th due to rain or Saturday April 20th)

  • The contractor completed the following activities for this week: continued pier cap form and rebar installation (Phase 2); continued abutment A back wall form and rebar installation (Phase 2); continued the removel of the overhang brackets and wood form on the north side (Phase 1); continued type 2 concrete repair at the pier 1 crash wall; and type 4 concrete repair at the west abutment A (Phase 2). There were no lane closures needed to complete activities for this weekly period and traffic was maintained with two open-lanes, eastbound and westbound. ·      


  • Due to construction, there is no parking on Monroe Street from 7th - 8th Street NE.

  • Signs directing motorist and bicyclist have been posted. Please stay alert and obey signage when traveling through this area.  

Sunday, April 7 – Saturday, April 13, 2019: Project Photos

Sunday, April 7 – Saturday, April 13, 2019: Project Updates
(There was no construction activity completed on Sunday, April 7th or Saturday, April 13th)

  • The contractor completed the following activities for this week as a part of phase 2 demolition: continued pier 2 cap form and rebar installation; continued abutment B back wall form removal and phase 1 overhang brackets and wood form removal from the north side; and resumed type 4 concrete repair at the west abutment (phase 2). There were no lane closures needed to complete activities for this weekly period and traffic was maintained with two open-lanes, eastbound and westbound.


  • Due to construction, there is no parking on Monroe Street from 7th - 8th Street NE.

  • Signs directing motorist and bicyclist have been posted. Please stay alert and obey signage when traveling through this area.    

Sunday, March 31 – Saturday, April 6, 2019: Project Photos

Sunday, March 31 – Saturday, April 6, 2019: Project Updates
(There was no construction activity completed on Sunday, March 31st or Saturday, April 6th)

  • The contractor completed the following activities for this week as a part of phase 2 demolition: continued removal of the steel forms from the columns at pier 1; continued steel forms and rebar installation for the pier 2 cap. On Friday, March 29, the bridge was closed from 2:00 am until 5:30 am to complet the pier cap concrete placement. There were no other lane closures needed to complete activities for the remainder of this weekly period and traffic was maintained with two open-lanes, eastbound and westbound.


  • Due to construction, there is no parking on Monroe Street from 7th - 8th Street NE.

  • Signs directing motorist and bicyclist have been posted. Please stay alert and obey signage when traveling through this area.